If you want to study in Canada, you need a study permit. Study permits can be attained through two different streams Student direct stream (SDS) and non SDS.

Student Direct Stream (SDS): 

Applicants from   India, China, Morocco, Pakistan, Senegal, Vietnam and the Philippines can apply through SDS if they meet the following criteria. IRCC aims to process this kind of application in 20 days 

  • Have the minimum required IELTS score of 6.0 in English (reading, writing, listening, and speaking). 
  • Have to purchase a ‘Guaranteed Investment Certificate’ (GIC) of $10,000.
  • Have been accepted by an eligible post-secondary designated learning institute (DLI).
  • Pay the tuition fees for the first year of study.

Applicants who do not meet the above criteria and applicants from all other countries can apply through the non SDS stream and should meet the following conditions.

  • Have an acceptance letter from a designated learning institute (DLI)
  • Have a Police clearance certificate with no adverse information
  • Proof that you have enough financial credentials to pay for your tuition fee and living expenses.
  • Have a medical examination report
  • Have a valid English language proficiency score.